"Your body can adapt, resist and endure almost anything. It's your mind that you have to convince."
- 2nd Dan/Nidan | Blackbelt , Kickboxing
- MHFA England: Mental health first aider
- Future Practice: Practical stress resilience coaching
- YMCA Fit: Level 2, Suspension training
- Future Fit: Level 2, Indoor cycling
- YMCA Fit: Level 2, Gym instruction
- YMCA Fit: Level 3, Advanced personal training diploma
- YMCA: Level 3, Sports massage therapy
- Origym: Level 3, GP referral
- NCFE CACHE: Level 3, Understanding mental health
- Origym: Level 4, Nutrition for weight management & athletic performance
- Origym: Level 4, Lower back pain management
- Origym: Level 4, Obesity & weight management
- London school of massage: Level 4, Sports massage therapy
- London school of massage: Level 5, Sports massage therapy
- TenEducation: Pilates Dynamic Reformer
- TenEducation: Pilates Reformer for pre/post natal
Favourite Exercise:
I am a huge fan of legs! It is the most metabolically active section of the body and it is by far my favourite muscle group to exercise on myself and others.
Shane is a uniquely educated and experienced transformation coach who understands the challenges associated with achieving a solid level of health, wellness and fitness. Shane had previously undergone a remarkable and life changing body transformation journey and as a result, was able to successfully create a solid foundation for lasting change. This has set him on a trajectory that would influence his professional development and personal discovery.
As a result of his own transformation, Shane stumbled on to a brilliant opportunity to help others with similar issues. Finishing his original undergraduate qualification in contemporary media practice and broadcasting science, Shane set to re-plan and re-define his professional outlook to encompass this new found passion and set on course to share this formula for transformative changes to everyone, everywhere.
Recognising the importance of continued learning, Shane cultivated an impressive selection of skills and abilities in his professional practice. As the field of fitness is constantly evolving, with new research, trends, and emerging techniques, it is vital to stay up to speed. He engages in all types of learning, workshops, conferences and academic research. All of which has allowed Shane to stay ahead of the curve in offering the best services and support to his clients.
As an overview, Shane instructs the next generation of fighters as a Second Dan Blackbelt in Kickboxing. He also actively includes solution type approaches for those with mental health challenges and offers specialised support to those who need it. He also helps with stress resilience and lifestyle coaching where he adapted a regimen of positive mental health strategies, lifestyle coaching workshops and stress resilient techniques to further support this emerging area. On top of which, he sub-specialised in 4 different areas as a personal trainer, Shane cultivated the skill of soft tissue manipulation to help manage and rehabilitate any sports related injury.
To combine everything, Shane adapted his love of people and extraversion into a cultivated formula where the art of communicating and entertaining people and the science of exercise technique, instruction and adaptation resulted into a professional blueprint for allowing a seamless flow of knowledge and experience into aiding and perfecting client practice at every stage of the process.
Ultimately, knowing first-hand all the physical and emotional stress that excess weight can have on an individual’s sense of identity, Shane champions any individual working towards transforming their bodies and ultimately; their lives. Shane’s coaching style is centred around empowering his clients, inspiring them to make positive changes. Creating a framework of healthy habits and a course of re-education to allow all clients to act on informed decisions.
Shane firmly believes in the tried and true mindset that “Health is wealth” to encompass his professional practice. Shane’s multidisciplinary approach will help to achieve planned fitness goals but also to cultivate a healthy mindset that embraces sustainable lifestyle changes for long-term health and happiness. Embark on your own transformation journey with Shane, and together, you can rewrite your story for a healthier, stronger, and more fulfilling life.