- Physio and Massage therapist – MassoPhysiotherapy diploma 1996
- Swedish Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Sports Massage
- Physiokinesiotherapy
- Master in the Mezieres method for postural re-education
- Master in manual lymphatic drainage, Vodder method
- Reflexology for relaxation
- Member of FHT
Favourite things to treat:
Spinal issues.
Emma started her career in massage 25 years ago, having undertaken multidisciplinary training in Physio and Massage in her native country of Italy. Since then, she has continuously built upon those skills through regular professional development both abroad and here in the UK.
She has always been passionate about helping people to achieve good health with massage therapy by reducing musculoskeletal restrictions, improving postural alignment, and increasing range of motion throughout the body.
Emma specialises in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Kinesiotherapy. She tailors all treatments to individual needs, so whether you want to improve your sporting performance and prevent injury or restore balance to your body, Emma can help you gain the best possible outcome.