So there we were, just a few weeks ago, prompted by the start of a new year (not to mention a killer hangover), promising that this time we really were going to turn over a new leaf.

Here we are now, halfway through a grey February. And our determination to get fit, run that marathon, come to Ten 3 times a week, (tick whichever applies) is beginning to falter.

If you’ve hit the willpower wall, here are a few tips to help you get through it with your good intentions intact:

1. Don’t worry

This is normal. You’re now a few weeks into the new year, the initial rate of improvement has slowed down a bit and it’s easy to feel that you’re not improving. But, trust me, you are.

2. Change it up

Everyone’s on the same path, so gyms and classes are often full, and it’s easy to see that as an excuse to fall off the programme. Shake it up a bit instead – try machines or exercises or classes you haven’t done before, go at a different time or on a different day.

3. The best way to stay motivated is to stay interested

Do something new. Ever tried spin? Tango? Martial arts? Green gym? How about some PT sessions? Whatever it is, there’s never been a better time to give it a go – who knows, you might just love it.

4. Together is better

If you don’t have a training buddy, now’s the perfect time to get one. You’ll be in it together, you’ll gee each other up, and keep each other going. What’s more, it’s always harder to quit if you know you’ll be letting someone else down.

5. Look forward

Think about summer, think about how you’re going to look and feel when you’ve achieved your goals.

One last thought – the best thing about February (except maybe Valentines day) is that’s a short month. It’ll be over soon, so suck it up, tough it out, and let this be the year you surprise yourself.

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